What’s your
two-year plan?

What’s your
two-year plan?
two-year plan?
Many of our clients know they need to do more with their fundraising and donor engagement programs. But where do you start?
That’s where Beth Interactive comes in. We meet with you and your team to discover absolutely everything about your fundraising program. We also get to know you by learning about your community, your team, your biggest strengths and your toughest challenges.
Then we build a customized two-year plan to serve as a comprehensive roadmap for your fundraising strategy and communications. And if you need help implementing the plan, we’re here for that too!
By the Numbers
(We’re really thorough!)
How do we start?
All plans start with our “Discovery Phase”—a series of Zoom calls or in-person meetings with your team to learn everything we can about you. We build out a specific agenda in advance so you can invite key team members to attend only the sessions relevant for them.
What do I get?
We present our findings in a Zoom call to you and your team, plus provide a PDF of our full report with a 24-month calendar. You’ll know what to do each month—who to talk to and what to say—in a way that is both sustainable and ensures growth year after year.
What happens next?
Our strategic communications plan will have a ton of recommendations. Together, we’ll identify where Beth Interactive would best provide strategic support and implementation, then deliver an itemized quote for your review prior to getting started.